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Lottery Day Information

This weekend we show our support for The National Lottery for the help they gave to the National League during the peak of the pandemic.

As a result of this, we have a special ticket offer, which you can take advantage of. As you will notice, we have two events on the tickets page.

One of these is for people aged over 18 only and who are interested in buying the Lottery Day tickets. If you do want to buy one of these, you will be able to bring another adult along for free but you must provide your National Lottery Ticket Number. If you can't or don't have access to it, please buy another ticket instead.

The other section is for those who are aged under 18 and for those who have no interest in buying a special lottery ticket.

This lottery offer is online only because we don't want our loyal staff be overwhelmed on Saturday.

The terms and conditions for Lottery Day are included in the link below.

We look forward to welcoming you all to Vauxhall Road on Saturday, but if you don't have a lottery ticket, please don't try and bring someone else along.


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