In preparation for the return of football at Vauxhall Road, we have conducted a review of the expectations of supporters when visiting the ground in relation to the current guidance

We have finalised our new online ticket platform that allow supporters to purchase tickets in advance. Alongside this, we are regularly reviewing the safety protocols within the stadium to ensure we are in the best possible position to keep everyone safe.
The code of conduct below is an addition to the standard ground regulations and expectation of supporters.
Supporters Code of Conduct Season 2020/21
To assist our staff and stewards, and to help protect you and your fellow spectators, you are kindly requested to follow these guidelines
Do not attend or enter the ground if you, or any members of your household, have shown signs or symptoms of Covid-19 in the last 14 days
You will need to wear a mask all the time whilst in the stadium
Your temperature will be taken before you will be allowed to enter the stadium, if a reading of more than 37.6 you will be asked to go home an observe Government Guidelines.
Arrive at the ground in good time to go through all and any entry requirements.
The conditions of the pre-purchase of ticket involves supplying track and trace information
At all times, and in all parts of the ground, please observe social distancing of 1mtr+ and avoid close contact with others not in your social bubble
Maintain good hand hygiene and use hand sanitisers. Avoid touching your face, handles, railings etc wherever possible
Please make any payments at the ground using contactless means wherever possible. Avoid using cash if you can
Follow the one-way direction of travel signs
Please understand you may not be able to sit, or stand, in your usual place within the ground if it breaks social distancing guidelines
Remain in your seat or viewing position wherever possible.
If you do need to leave your seat, or viewing position, wait for a time when walkways are clear and be aware of any directional signage
If you are seated, when moving past other spectators, to or from your seat, please avoid face to face contact with other spectators
If you are standing, please always stay within your social bubble, and remain aware of the movement of others.
Avoid hugs, high-fives or any close contact with people who are not within your social bubble
Please observe respiratory etiquette – Always cover your mouth and nose if having to cough or sneeze
If you need to access any of the ground’s amenities, such as toilets or food bars, check to see if they are in use and follow all signage and instructions
Please refrain from shouting or singing
No Smoking or Vaping in the Stadium
Thank you for your support and co-operation. Stay alert! Stay safe!
Covid-19 Measures In Place For Safe Return of Fans
Spectator Entry from 2:00 PM
Social Distancing of 1mtr+ is in place within the stadium
Masks must be worn at all times inside the stadium – NO MASK NO ENTRY!
One-Way direction of travel is clearly marked on the floor
Seating and standing positions are on a 1st come first served basis
Seating positions are marked with a green tick, a black cross – denotes do not sit on this seat
Standing positions are marked with a green dot – do not stand in the blank spaces
Spectators are asked to avoid leaving their viewing position during the game – keep movement to a minimum
If you have to pass another spectator in a stand please turn your back as you pass
No alcohol to be on sale in the stadium until 5PM
Mitigation Measures Taken in order to support the Social Distancing of 1mtr+ around the stadium – These measures are extremely important in order for the club to manage spectators inside the stadium, they must be adhered to!
Wearing of masks whilst in the stadium – all the time
One-Way direction of travel
When ‘Brushing Past’ another spectator turn your back in seated areas
Stewards will be there to advise and manage
We thanks supporters in advance for their co-operation. We very much look forward to welcoming you back in a safe and secure manner.
We reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone who does not comply with this code of conduct